Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Day Where Everything Is Not Right

First of all, the weather is soooo hot today that I wished I was born in Alaska!  Next is the LAN project, we decided to do it after school today. Put our things down at a Malay restaurant (disturbing people do business) and proceeded with doing the project. Done taking the first video and all of us stuffed in Ker Han's car to find parking. Unfortunately it was peak hour and cars were everything! How I wish I'm back in Sandakan where the amount of cars are like less than a quarter of the cars here. Jeremy passed his 2nd driving test and was so LC...  When we're back in college, Ker Han found out that he lost his bag and we searched everywhere to find it. End up founding at a wooden bench around Old Town. Aih, have to walk around under the blazing sun was like in hell!! Khee Zhao, Choo Teong and I was like retarded as the result from the hot sun. Housemates called and told me to go Post Office to pay Streamyx bill.. Have to walk under the sun again.. On the way back bought Sundae Cone from McD,melted on the way back.. T_T 

Came home. Nap... I bet Danny is doing the same thing on the floor above. Hehe..