Today after school,went to library to do skimming and scanning (with Peng Han and Yi Xian). Floor was very very slippery that Peng Han almost fell. Went into library and saw a very rare animal which hardly can be seen wandering around. Too bad,Peng Han and Yi Xian were rushing me to go buy peanut butter-chocolate waffle. It was the toughest decision to make at that time as I wanted to befriend the near-extinct animal but then my friends will say that I ditch them. So, I went to buy the so-called ultra delicious peanut butter-chocolate waffle. Not bad..
Done eating,went home to put down my things and ran back to school. Too bad,the rare animal was nowhere to be seen. Walked home sadly.
Moral of the story : When making decision, please choose what is more important. Don't choose something that can be bought anytime and give up the chance of seeing something which comes once in a lifetime. Example:Choosing to eat peanut butter-chocolate waffle rather than seeing a protected species.
By the way, the waffle was really good. Thanks to the aunty who makes waffles at AC